Archive for November, 2007

So, “one step forward and two steps back” does not even begin to apply to the NYT opinion penned in earlier this week, it’s more fitting to state “Zero Steps Forward and Ten Steps Back…” WTF!!!”

Typically, I like to say read for yourself and make your own decisions about the article, however, that would be an absurdly ignorant thing to say in regards to this one: The Wrong Thing

It has 128 comments so far… but, they cut it off prematurely.

From what I’ve heard in the blog world, this number should be higher, and I mean by VOLUMES, not simply a hundred or so more… the NYT peeps need to learn how to read before accepting such future opinion articles in the first place and if they do approve to feature another similarly disgraceful article (which they will), at least allow for commentary from several different directions on the topic instead of serving up the status quo to white middle America.  Censorship of opinion from people who know best about a topic is akin to ignoring a tornado when you see it bearing down on you from a soccer ball field’s length away, it’s ridiculous!  But, consequences don’t exist, because when all is said and done the opinion was featured in the NYT!!!  :(I’ve decided someone needs to set up a Save Willow Janowitz Fund.  Once fully funded and in place, lawyers will write up a document stating that the mother, don’t care to mention her name ‘cus she’s not worth the space on this blog, will not be able to look at, talk to or write about her daughter anymore.  Ok, is that really too much to ask for in light of her outrageous and very recently written work? 

Anyone that verbally abusive, culturally unaware, and generally insensitive needs therapy from a ther-a-pist herself instead of using the opinion section of the NYT as one!  Might I add that a lengthy white privilege awareness workshop that lasts the rest of her lifetime is in order as would be reading, listening and watching anything and everything made by someone, aware and in-the-know, who has voiced their truth about international adoption (this would all have to be censored so nothing of the nature that she wrote ends up in her lap).   

This list could go on forever, but then that would be missing whole the point and very nearly lead to me almost forgetting why I began writing this post in the first place.  Regardless of whether or not his woman follows through with my 3-step destupification plan, she needs to apologize to Willow for anything and everything that she has said to disenfranchise, humiliate and ostracize her daughter both in private and in public.

I’m done!  This is the most PG I could get in expressing utter disgust for such a hurtful person.  

Side note: the mother seems more interested in her 6 dogs than in learning how to respect, parent, and nurture a child.